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Jack Kirby: The Fourth World by Jack Kirby Omnibus

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Saatavuus: Varastossa

167,00 €
Turun Sarjakuvakauppa TurkuVarastossa (1 kpl)
Turun Sarjakuvakauppa OuluTilattavissa
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The Fourth World by Jack Kirby Omnibus


In the 1970s, legendary creator Jack "The King" Kirby revolutionized the comic book medium with a sweeping multi-series saga called THE FOURTH WORLD. Encompassed with impossible new worlds, iconic new characters and sweeping new mythologies, its debut elicited unprecedented levels of excitement and anticipation from comics readers everywhere.

In honor of this extraordinary talent's centennial, DC Comics is proud to present an all-new edition of this towering achievement in graphic literature. THE FOURTH WORLD BY JACK KIRBY OMNIBUS collects, for the first time in a single hardcover volume, Kirby's complete chronicles from the pages of SUPERMAN'S PAL, JIMMY OLSEN, THE NEW GODS, THE FOREVER PEOPLE and MISTER MIRACLE, as well as the climactic graphic novel THE HUNGER DOGS. This transformative tome also includes illuminating essays from acclaimed author (and former Kirby apprentice) Mark Evanier and celebrated comics talent Walter Simonson, as well as a special section of Kirby pencils, profiles, pinups and more!


Tekijä Kirby, Jack
Kustantaja DC Comics
Sivuja 1536
Sidosasu Kovakantinen
Väritys 4-v.
Kieli Englanti
Julkaisuvuosi 2021
ISBN 978-1-7795-1261-1

Turun Sarjakuvakauppa oy
Yliopistonkatu 13A, 20100 Turku
Avoinna ma–pe 11.00–18.00, la 11.00–16.00
Puh. 050 452 1088

Turun Sarjakuvakauppa Oulu
Kulttuuritalo Valve
Hallituskatu 7, 90100 Oulu
Avoinna ke–pe 12.00–18.00, la 12.00–16.00
Puh. 040 251 2037

Y-tunnus: 2303878-1
