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Tom of Finland: The Complete Kake Comics

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Saatavuus: Varastossa

30,00 €
Turun Sarjakuvakauppa TurkuTilattavissa
Turun Sarjakuvakauppa OuluVarastossa (1 kpl)
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The Complete Kake Comics


Mustaches and muscles: Back to the days when men were men and sex was carefree In 1965, Tom of Finland began flirting with the idea of an ongoing character for his panel stories, the ultimate Tom s Man. He tried out a blond named Vicky a common male name in Finland followed by a Tarzan-inspired Jack. Then in 1968 Tom settled on Kake, a dark-haired, mustached leatherman who often wore a tight white T-shirt bearing the motto Fucker. Kake lived up to this moniker, a sort of post-Stonewall, hyper-masculine Johnny Appleseed traveling the world on his motorcycle to spread the seeds of liberated, mutually satisfying, ecstatically explicit gay sex. Tom lived out many of his most personal fantasies through Kake, and Kake s international fans made him the template for what came to be known as the gay clone look of the 1970s. Between 1968 and 1986, Tom published 26 episodes of Kake adventures, most as 20-page booklets. Tom of Finland The Complete Kake Comics collects all of these stories in one volume. Return with Kake to the days when men were men, sex was carefree, and everyone wore a big thick mustache.


Tekijä Tom of Finland
Kustantaja Taschen
Sivuja 704
Sidosasu Kovakantinen
Väritys 4-v.
Kieli Englanti
Julkaisuvuosi 2014
ISBN 978-3-8365-5051-2

Turun Sarjakuvakauppa oy
Yliopistonkatu 13A, 20100 Turku
Avoinna ma–pe 11.00–18.00, la 11.00–16.00
Puh. 050 452 1088

Turun Sarjakuvakauppa Oulu
Kulttuuritalo Valve
Hallituskatu 7, 90100 Oulu
Avoinna ke–pe 12.00–18.00, la 12.00–16.00
Puh. 040 251 2037

Y-tunnus: 2303878-1
