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Dave Sim & Gustave Doré: Nick Calm, Agent of Codpiece #1

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Saatavuus: Varastossa

4,00 €
Turun Sarjakuvakauppa TurkuVarastossa (2 kpl)
Turun Sarjakuvakauppa OuluTilattavissa
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Nick Calm, Agent of Codpiece #1


"Cash On Delivery Penis in Every Canadian Expresspost"; Super Cerebus hoaxes Satan; Cerebus appoints the Whore of Babylon Governor of the Bank of Canada; Electric cars a city-block long made of woven hemp powered by wind turbines on the roof; million-dollar banknotes; Francis suspects Super-Cerebus of being as "gay as the song the fairies sing"; "Foresworn & Sven Yeargan, Gol"; the computers are eating our pens; Count Ugolino and his sons and grandsons starve to death; "Bohemian Rhapsody" "on-hold" music; what it means when a Muslim calls you a "whore"; The 31 Gender Pronouns; "We're All Doomed"; The Whore of Babylon vs. Virgil;


Tekijä Sim, Dave & Doré, Gustave
Muut tekijät Alighieri, Dante
Kustantaja Aardvark-Vanaheim
Sivuja 24
Sidosasu Lehti
Väritys Mv.
Kieli Englanti
Julkaisuvuosi 2018

Turun Sarjakuvakauppa oy
Yliopistonkatu 13A, 20100 Turku
Avoinna ma–pe 11.00–18.00, la 11.00–16.00
Puh. 050 452 1088

Turun Sarjakuvakauppa Oulu
Kulttuuritalo Valve
Hallituskatu 7, 90100 Oulu
Avoinna ke–pe 12.00–18.00, la 12.00–16.00
Puh. 040 251 2037

Y-tunnus: 2303878-1
