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Seth: Clyde Fans Book 1

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Saatavuus: Varastossa

23,00 €
Turun Sarjakuvakauppa TurkuVarastossa (1 kpl)
Turun Sarjakuvakauppa OuluTilattavissa
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Clyde Fans Book 1


Clyde Fans promises to be one of the major graphic novel achievements of recent years, and Seth is fast becoming one of the most recognised talents in the field since Chris Ware. Book one of this trilogy focuses on the lives of two brothers and their fan manufacturing company. After one more disasterous attempt at selling, Simon returns to the office defeated and unsure of what he'll do next. Even after studying manuals on the art of selling, he still can't seem to clinch any deals and his brother thinks he's a failure. Seth explores their fraternal relationship brilliantly.


Tekijä Seth
Kustantaja Drawn & Quarterly
Sivuja 160
Koko 175 x 245 mm
Sidosasu Kovakantinen
Väritys 2-v.
Kieli Englanti
Julkaisuvuosi 2004
ISBN 978-1-896597-84-3

Turun Sarjakuvakauppa oy
Yliopistonkatu 13A, 20100 Turku
Avoinna ma–pe 11.00–18.00, la 11.00–16.00
Puh. 050 452 1088

Turun Sarjakuvakauppa Oulu
Kulttuuritalo Valve
Hallituskatu 7, 90100 Oulu
Avoinna ke–pe 12.00–18.00, la 12.00–16.00
Puh. 040 251 2037

Y-tunnus: 2303878-1
