- Mustanaamio - Legenda
- Tex Willer Kirjasto 56 - Pirullinen kosto
- Portugali
- Poissa - Erased 9
- Green Lantern - 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 (K)
- Fire Power 1 - Prelude
- The Varking Dead - You Want Fries? #1
- Koiramies
- Koiramies valloillaan
- Koiramies ja kaksi kissanpentua
- Jack Kirby - The Epic Life of the King of Comics
- Beastars 7
- Afraid of Everything
- And Now, Sir... Is THIS Your Missing Gonad?
- The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Cartoonist
- My Hero Academia 11
- Kun jälleensynnyin hirviönä 3
- Lassi ja Leevi 13 - Huipulla tuulee (K)
- Black Cotton Star
- Stuck Rubber Baby - 25th Anniversary Edition
- The Cloven Book One
- Puupenni
- Constitution Illustrated
- Tutkimattomat tapaukset
- Utopia - Kangastuksena unissamme
- The Neil Gaiman Library 1
- H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness 2
- Abraham Stone
- Promethea - 20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition Book 2
- Attractive Cousins #1
- Fangoria Vol. 2 #7
- Tokyo Mew Mew 5
- The Last Wars 16
- Moms
- City of Others - Tenth Anniversary Edition
- Toybox Americana
- Kukaan ei ole täydellinen eli pölynimurikauppiaan uudet kuviot
- Who's got the biggest fish?
- Dystymian varjossa
- Kaksin on hauskempaa
- Para
- Täydellinen koti
- Ratboy of Hexerkeep
- Luonto / Nature
- Legionary Extraordinary 1
- Kauniita unia / Sweet Dreams
- Aron morsiamet 12
- your name. Another Side: Earthbound 1
- One-Punch Man 1