- Poika ja peto 3
- Cinema Purgatorio #12
- Skim
- Breaks
- Royals 1 - Beyond Inhuman
- Vihan ja inhon internet
- Kersantti Napalm - Joulumanteli 2017
- Kersantti Napalm - 25-vuotisjuhlajulkaisu
- Beautiful Canvas #1-4
- Lauri Törni - Viipurista Vietnamiin 1919-1965
- Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge - The Lost Crown of Genghis Khan
- Walt Disney's Donald Duck - The Secret of Hondorica
- Letters for Lucardo 1
- The Death of Stalin
- Jaiksfukin #11
- Jaiksfukin #12
- Rick and Morty 4
- Invincible 24 - The End of All Things 1
- Orion 13
- Velhon morsian 6
- Economics in Wonderland
- Modesty Blaise - The Killing Game
- Pashmina
- Lindbergh 4
- Hap and Leonard - Savage Season
- Seven to Eternity 2 - Ballad of Betrayal
- Cutter
- Voices in the Dark
- America 1 - The Life and Times of America Chavez
- Animosity 2 - The Dragon
- The Ghost of Gaudi
- Michael Chabon's The Escapists
- Secret Empire - United We Stand
- Darkness Visible
- Burke & Hare
- Tarkastaja Akane Tsunemori 1
- your name. 1
- Boy Maximortal 1
- Roarin' Rick's Rare Bit Fiends #22
- The Spotted Stone
- Super Catchy
- Fingerpori 1 SPECIAL EDITION
- All Time Comics - Crime Destroyer #2 (COVER A)
- All Time Comics - Crime Destroyer #2 (COVER B)
- All Time Comics - Crime Destroyer #2 (COVER C)
- All Time Comics - Atlas #1 (COVER B)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Ultimate Collection 1
- Strange Cerebus #1
- Deconstructing the Incal
- Underwinter 1 - Symphony