- Läskimooses 26/2015
- Pieni veronkierto-opas
- Hanuripartio viheltää pimeään
- Kalkkaro 41
- Saga - Kolmas kirja
- Ex Machina Book 5
- Sarjakuvaromaani ja miten se voi muuttaa elämäsi (K)
- Hokki
- Bitch Planet 1 - Extraordinary Machine
- Deadly Class 3 - The Snake Pit
- On Loving Women
- The Owner's Manual to Terrible Parenting
- The Playboy
- Supermutant Magic Academy
- Marble Season
- Co-Mix - A Retrospective of Comics, Graphics, and Scraps
- Pahkasika 79
- God Is Dead 6
- Criminal 1 - Coward
- Sunstone 3
- Orphan Black 1
- The Fade Out Act Two
- Saga 5
- FBP: Federal Bureau of Physics 3 - Audeamus
- The Massive 5 - Ragnarok (K)
- Satellite Sam 3
- Valerian and Laureline 8 - Heroes of the Equinox
- Archer & Armstrong 7 - The One Percent and Other Tales
- Aarne Ankka - Kansankodin pesänjakajat
- Octobriana - The Exotic Time Domina
- De anhöriga
- Wytches 1 (K)
- Bloodshot Reborn 1 - Colorado
- ODY-C 1 - Off to Far Ithicaa
- Fatima Mölkänen
- Place of Death
- Barefoot Gen 10 - Never Give Up
- Barefoot Gen 9 - Breaking Down Borders
- Barefoot Gen 8 - Merchants of Death
- Barefoot Gen 7 - Bones Into Dust
- Barefoot Gen 5 - The Never-Ending War
- Barefoot Gen 4 - Out of the Ashes
- Step Aside, Pops - A Hark! A Vagrant Collection
- Five Ghosts 3 - Monsters and Men
- Batman ja Robin 2 - Jostain kuuluu hu-huu
- Batman Detective Comics 3 - Keisari pingviini
- Vihreä Lyhty 3 - Loppu
- Sinel
- Sarjari 94 - Päästäiset