One bad day is all it takes according to the grinning engine of madness and mayhem known as the Joker, that's all that separates the sane from the psychotic. Freed once again from the confines of Arkham Asylum, he's out to prove his deranged point. And he's going to use Gotham City's top cop, Commissioner Jim Gordon, and the Commissioner's brilliant and beautiful daughter Barbara to do it.
Stunningly illustrated, Batman: The Killing Joke The Deluxe Edition has been lushly recolored by artist Brian Bolland, presenting his original vision of this modern classic. This new edition includes Batman: The Killing Joke and stories from Batman: Black and White #4 and Countdown #31, along with numerous Batman and Joker covers and sketches by Brian Bolland, including artwork only previously published in the Absolute Edition!
Tekijä | Moore, Alan & Bolland, Brian |
Kustantaja | DC Comics |
Sivuja | 96 |
Sidosasu | Kovakantinen |
Väritys | 4-v. |
Kieli | Englanti |
Julkaisuvuosi | 2019 |
ISBN | 978-1-4012-9405-2 |
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