DC Sale
Brian Michael Bendis & Patrick Gleason: Young Justice 1 - Gemworld (K)
15,00 € -
Scott Lobdell & Brett Booth: Teen Titans 2 - The Culling (K)
9,90 € -
Scott Lobdell & Brett Booth: Teen Titans 1 - It's Our Right to Fight (K)
9,90 € -
John Layman: Batman Detective Comics 4 - The Wrath (K)
12,00 €
John Layman: Batman Detective Comics 3 - Emperor Penguin (K)
15,00 € -
Bryan Hill & Dexter Soy: Batman & the Outsiders 2 - A League of Their Own (K)
15,00 € -
Keith Giffen & Scott Kolins: Larfleeze 1 - Revolt of the Orange Lanterns (K)
20,00 € -
Tony Bedard & Tyler Kirkham: Green Lantern - New Guardians 2: Beyond Hope (K)
15,00 €