Gotham Motors CEO Derek Powers has seized control of the Wayne family's assets and is using them to transform the GTO and the city they've sworn to protect. Crime is down, but at what cost? A new Batman has emerged in Powers's city, and only Bruce is fully aware of the dangers to come. It's time to destroy the mantle for good, but he'll need one of his forgotten sons' help to do so. Enter Jason Todd...the first Robin?!
In this thrilling sequel to the blockbuster comic book hits Batman: White Knight and Batman: Curse of the White Knight, writer/artist Sean Murphy invites the audience to go beyond the Gotham they know to discover an engrossing new take on the city and its heroes. Welcome to Neo-Gotham and the world of Beyond the White Knight! This collection includes Batman: Beyond the White Knight #1-8; Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood #1-2.
Tekijä | Murphy, Sean |
Kustantaja | DC Black Label |
Sivuja | 264 |
Sidosasu | Kovakantinen |
Väritys | 4-v. |
Kieli | Englanti |
Julkaisuvuosi | 2023 |
ISBN | 978-1-7795-1852-1 |
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